Fellow Mushers and Friends of JSSDRA,
The Jersey Sands Sled Dog Racing Association has two Sweepstakes Races coming up!
The Betty Carhart Memorial Sweepstakes Race will be held on SUNDAY, 11/24/13 (Note: this is a date change due to the weather forecast). I have attached the information flyer, our entry form, directions to the race site, and our membership form below.
Our club has now implemented the requirement that you become a club member in order to race at our events. Please review the membership form and pick a membership that best fits your needs. Anyone choosing the family or individual membership will be invited to our spring meeting/picnic. (The club buys the burgers and hotdogs!)
So far, the plan is to run in the order stated on the entry form. All Sweepstakes Classes (Rigs, Bike & Scooters) will be running the 3.8 trail. This is a relatively flat trail on the mostly hard packed sand roads in the forest. The Sportsman Class and 2-3 Dog Jr. Class will be running on the 1.7 trail.
Once again, we will be setting up our hospitality table where our members bring food to share. Please feel free to bring something to share.The Northern Exposure Siberian Husky Rescue will also be in attendance selling some neat stuff for Christmas presents.
The next race (the Pine Barrens Dryland Run) will be held on Saturday, 11/30/13 - more information to follow in another entry.
See you in the forest,
Downloadable Files:
Information Flyer
Race Entry Form
Directions to Mt. Misery
JSSDRA Membership Form