Posts tagged #2014-2015 Races

Dryland Season is Coming!

We've been getting a lot of inquiries from individuals interested in attending a training session in the Pine Barrens. The Jersey Sands mushers don't follow a set schedule for training in the fall, but we invite anyone interested to come out.

Mushers generally meet on Saturday and Sunday mornings when the temperature remains below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. It's also important that the humidity isn't too high, as this can also affect the dogs' ability to safely run.

We recommend reaching out to a club official on the Friday before a training weekend to find out if mushers plan to meet. They will be able to provide directions to the training spot and any other instructions you may need. Click here for our club official contact page.

Our first 2014-2015 Season event will be hosted with Northern Exposure Siberian Husky Rescue on October 19th. If you're interested in learning about dog sports, we highly recommend coming out to Cartoberfest. You can check the Facebook event for additional information.

Happy trails!

Posted on October 1, 2014 and filed under Fall Training.